Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

Word Counter Free Online Tool

Word Counter is a simple way to get organized with your word count. You can input text in it, and then see the number of words in each line. This Word Counter Free online tool helps you to count words and is completely free to use.

What is Word Counter Tool?

A word counter of EazySeoTools is a measurement tool used by writers to track how many words and characters their writing contains. It's an excellent tool for creating a writing schedule and writing goals because you know exactly how much you'll need to write each day and each week to meet those goals. This tool helps to count characters and words included in the article.

What Is the Importance of UsiAAng Word Counter Tool?

Word counter tools are extremely useful for bloggers. This is extremely helpful when you want to ensure that you aren’t leaving any words out or including any unnecessary words in your document. The word count tool allows you to write content. It is an easy tool that will help you to find out the exact number of words in your post or page. It will be a lot of help as you know what exactly you should write about. It will also help you in analyzing your post in terms of how much time was spent on writing it.